Maxwell Group Workout

Come be a part of a community of brothers who value both physical fitness and spiritual growth. Join us on Maxwell AFB as we work-out together and spend time uplifting each other through prayer and support. We look forward to having you join us for a time of fitness and fellowship.


    Our workouts are Crossfit HIIT style (High Intensity Interval Training) that mainly consist of bodyweight excersizes.

    ex. pushup, pull-up, sit-up, running, box-jumps, lunges

    — We workout together and leave-no-man behind. All workouts can be modified to your specifications.


    Immediately following our group workout, we gather up and share our weekly prayer requests with each other. Then we take time to pray for each others needs.

    This is a godly group that you need to be part of!

  • Tuesday Mornings 0500


  • On Maxwell AFB (Base Pass Required)


    We meet inside the Crossfit Annex, generally near the mens & womens restrooms

  • The target audience of this group are believers in Christ

    The goal of this workout group is physical fitness and spiritual encouragement. Just as working out together exposes our weaknesses, so praying together exposes our personal struggles. So no matter where you are at in your relationship with Jesus, this group will be an encouragement to you!

  • If you would like to join up with us please make sure to reach out to Pastor Jason Powell

    text: 951-377-4944