Sermon Archives
Living with Conviction Pt.2
This is a brand new series in the book of Daniel! In this message Pastor Jason Powell teaches what it means to live with conviction in a world of corruption. Daniel 1:8-21
Living With Conviction Pt.1
We are in a brand new series through the book of Daniel! IIn this message Pastor Jason covers Daniel 1:1-7
Father’s Day
This was a special Father’s Day panel of men that Pastor Jason interviewed! WHAT IS A FATHER?
We are in a series called “Life Verses”In this message Pastor Jason interviews Gordon Lott about his personal “Life Verse” Hebrews 12:1-3
Lift Up Your Eyes
We are in a series called “Life Verses”In this message Pastor Jason interviews Valerie Domingos about her personal “Life Verse” Psalm 121
Military Send-off Sunday
We are in a series called “Life Verses”In this message Pastor Jason interviews Command Chief of the 42nd Air Wing, Lee Hoover about his personal “Life Verse” Matthew 6:26
Happy Mothers Day
For our special Mother’s Day service Pastor Jason interviews his wife Mary Powell on “What it means to be a mother”
Soon You’ll Understand
We are in a series called “Life Verses” In this message Pastor Jason interviews a young man named Jordan Blazier about his battle with cancer and the verse that has helped him through it! John 13:7
God Meant It For Good
We are in a series called “Life Verses”In this message Pastor Jason shares his favorite verse in the Bible and how it has assisted him through his life. Genesis 50:20
Wisdom or WisDUMB?
December 11 2022
Scripture: James 3:13-18
WORDS: A Matter of Life or Death
Pastor Jason Powell
November 20 2022
Scripture: James 3:1-12
In Proverbs 18:21 it says: “Death and life are in the power of the tongue, and those who love it will eat its fruits.” How many times has your tongue gotten you into trouble? Where you said the wrong thing, at the wrong time well…you know what happened. Our Words can be life affirming, or to paraphrase what the Bible states, can lead to destroying others close to us, around us, or even ourselves! Let’s dive into this topic and study together on what God’s Word teaches us to do.
The Proof Is In The Pudding
November 13 2022
Scripture: James 2:14-26
In every area of life we attempt to verify the credibility of what we are about to trust… the value, quality, or truth of something must be judged based on direct experience with it—or on its results. There is a way that people can easily verify what you SAY about Jesus by the way that you SHOW Jesus This will be our topic in this message in our series in the book of James message, we will be in James 2:14-26.
Loving Others
Pastor Jason Powell
November 6 2022
Scripture: James 2:8-13
When we encounter people who are different from us—older or younger, lighter or darker, richer or poorer— We need to resist the question, “How can I get as far away from this person as possible?” We must answer the question, “How can I best love this person in word and action? How can I help her? How can I build this person up? How can I show grace and mercy instead of discrimination and partiality?” The adventure that Jesus is calling you too is to LOVE people in the same way that He loves you.
Favoritism Is Fracturing the Church
October 30 2022
Scripture: James 2:1-9
Church is a word that stands for a collection of people from every walk of life that have been saved from their sins because of faith and trust in Jesus Christ Church is not a building but it is a people!
Is Your Religion Worthless?
Pastor Jason Powell
October 23 2022
Scripture: James 1:26-27
The Bible tells us that there is a such thing as worthless or useless religion. James 1:26 ESV… “Their religion is worthless”. Worthless religion is that which claims to represent God but then fails to do so. A religious life can become worthless by their own actions and words. Worthless religion is like a cake that appears good on the outside but it’s missing key ingredients on the inside. In this message we will be discovering the key ingredients that are needed to produce pure and undefiled religion before God.
Listen and Obey
October 16 2022
Scripture: James 1:21-25
There is one source that you should have ears open to and a heart that is ready to receive from God and His word Of all the noise and voices in the world Tune in, we need to listen to and obey God!
Anger Management
Pastor Jason Powell
October 9 2022
Scripture: James 1:19-20
Anger is something that we all have to deal with but if you allow anger to be uncontrolled in your life, you’re opening the door and giving room for the devil to work in your life. In our study through the book of James we are told to be SLOW to anger and this is possible as we remember that God has been SLOW to anger with us!
Special Guest Speaker Chad Williams
October 2 2022
Scripture: 2 Kings
Chad Williams is a former US Navy SEAL and the author of the riveting book "SEAL of God" This amazing autobiography is a real look at SEAL training and the dark side of military service. Days before Chad
Open Your Ears Before You Open Your Mouth
Pastor Jason Powell
September 18 2022
Scripture: James 1:19
As Sherlock Holmes once told Watson “you see but you do not observe” I think it is possible to “hear without listening” and to “speak without saying anything”. Sadly most of us are not naturally quick to listen or slow to speak but it’s important for us to learn to open our ears before we open our mouths. Wisdom is gained from man and from God when we LISTEN MORE and TALK LESS!
What's Your Excuse?
Pastor Jason Powell
September 11 2022
Scripture: Luke 19
What excuses are you hiding behind that keep you from a relationship with Jesus Christ? Today we are looking at the story of Zaccheus, a man who let nothing hold him back from seeing Jesus.
What Does It Mean To Be Born Again // James 1:18
Pastor Jason Powell
September 4 2022
Scripture: James 1:18
All of us have physical birthday’s but only those who have been BORN-AGAIN have a spiritual birthday to celebrate as well. Jesus said that unless you are “born-again” you will not make it to Heaven! To be born-again doesn’t mean you get new religion or become an improved version of the old you but you become a brand new you! In this message we will be examining what it means to be born-again!
God is Good // Jason Powell
August 28 2022
Scripture: James 1:16-17
The Bible tells us that, “God is good!” Well not only is God good but He also gives good gifts. Our message today is aimed at helping you understand the attributes of God, so that you better understand the actions of God. When you understand the Nature of God, it will show you the way that He nurtures. Learning about His character, will teach you about His choices. When you know who God is, it helps you know what He is doing.
How To Triumph Over Temptation
Pastor Jason Powell
AUGUST 21 2022
Scripture: James 1:13-15
Have you ever experienced temptation? We live in a corrupt world where temptation is a part of life. Temptation is defined as the desire to do something, especially something wrong or unwise. A Christian is someone who seeks to triumph over temptation. In this message, we’re learning three keys to overcoming the temptation in our lives.
DONT GIVE UP // Jason Powell
August 14 2022
Scripture: James 1:12
Have You ever felt like you wanted to “give up” in life or on life itself? This message is about the secret to enduring hardships.
Heavenly Rewards VS. Earthly Riches // Jason Powell
August 7 2022
Scripture: James 1:9-11
The Time you have is short so its important that you live for heavenly rewards not earthly riches. James calls for rich Christians to stay humble by remembering that the riches of this life are fleeting and unpredictable. Life in this world passes very quickly. It is like withering grass and the fading flower. And when we get out into eternity, we will not be rich Christians and poor Christians. We will all be the same in heaven
Special Guest Speaker // Dr. White
JULY 31 2022
Is God Your First Response or Your Last Resort? // Jason Powell
July 24 2022
Scripture: James 1:5-8
Why is it that going to God is often the last resort and not our first response? Did you know that the only person who suffers when you don't pray is you! In this message Pastor Jason is discussing the role of prayer in a Christians life. But not only does he discuss why we should pray but how we should pray...
Turn Your Test Into A Testimony // James 1:2-4
JULY 17 2022
Have you ever said, "It's been one of those days!"
When things seem to be going from bad to worse. When nothing is working in your favor, its just one thing after another. Trials are a reality that we must all face. Many times our hardships are more than just a "bad day". In this message we will be looking at James 1:2-4 and the theme is about the purpose of our trials. Learning how to turn our tests into our testimonies!
Bloom Where You’re Planted// Pastor Jason Powell
July 10 2022
Scripture: James 1:1
We are starting a new series through the book of James. James, the brother of Jesus, wrote his epistle to Christians who were going through had times and needed the reminder that God wanted them to bloom where He planted them.
JUNE 5 2022
Week 6 - We continue in our Family Matters series. Today we honor Fathers! Dad's have the choice to either be a THERMOMETER or a THERMOSTAT. Are you the type of father who is influenced by the troubles, chaos and heat in your home or are you the type that stands on God and helps to control the climate in your home, your marriage and in the lives of your children
How to Make it Through Changes in Life // Pastor Jason Powell // Deuteronomy 31
June 12 2022
There are key moments in life when God attempts to get your attention. I believe many of those moments come during the seasons of change in life. Changes that take you out of your comfort zone, make you uneasy and force you to trust God. This sermon is about helping you make it through the big changes in life!
April 3, 2022
As it has been said, “Evangelism is one begger telling another begger where to find bread,” When you are satisfied by Jesus, you will want to share Jesus. "The love of Christ compels me" , 2 Corinthians 5:14
Scripture: 1 Peter 3:15
JOYFUL LIVING: Series In Philippians
TITLE: Boomerang Generosity
March 27, 2022
Boomerang Generosity! Today we discuss the biblical principle: When you give to others, God will give to you. Luke 6:38- "Give, and it will be given to you"
Scripture: Philippians 4:14-23
JOYFUL LIVING: Series In Philippians
TITLE: He Will Get You Through This!
March 20, 2022
Are you going through hardships or trials? The word of God is full of great promises for us to cling unto when times get hard. This sermon is focused on the great promises “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me”
Scripture: Philippians 4:10-13
JOYFUL LIVING: Series In Philippians
February 20, 2022
The Bible reminds Christians that Earth is not our home, Heaven is. Our real citizenship is a heavenly one. In this message we are reminded about the fact that we are to be looking up toward Heaven and not distracted by Earth.
Scripture: Philippians 3:19-21
JOYFUL LIVING: Series In Philippians
February 13, 2022
Its been said that the Christian life isn't a sprint, its a marathon! We are called to daily, weekly, monthly and yearly pursue and press toward the Lord. Too often we allow the past to hold us back from the future. Today were unpacking the charge to forget the past and focus on our future! Scripture:
Philippians 3:12-16
JOYFUL LIVING: Series In Philippians
January 15, 2022
Church history is full of stories about believers who risked their lives to do great things for the Lord. Nations impacted, cities changed, families transformed and lives restored all because they were willing to follow God into the impossible. Refuse to live a safe Christianity, step out and away from the dock of apathy, say YES to God’s call on your life and pursue Him with all your heart. You will find yourself accomplishing much for the Gospel of Christ!
JOYFUL LIVING: Series In Philippians
October 24, 2021
Welcome to Jesus City Church! We are in a new series through the book of Philippians. We believe that the Bible contains the secrets to living a joyful life. Join us each week as we study the book of Philippians verse by verse, chapter by chapter.
Scripture: Philippians 1:21-26
JOYFUL LIVING: Series In Philippians
October 17, 2021
Welcome to Jesus City Church! We are in a new series through the book of Philippians. We believe that the Bible contains the secrets to living a joyful life. Join us each week as we study the book of Philippians verse by verse, chapter by chapter. This Week Philippians 1:12-20
JOYFUL LIVING: Series In Philippians
October 10, 2021
Welcome to Jesus City Church! We are in a new series through the book of Philippians. We believe that the Bible contains the secrets to living a joyful life. Join us each week as we study the book of Philippians verse by verse, chapter by chapter. This week were in Philippians 1:3-11
MADE FOR THIS: Manifestation Gifts Part 2
SEPTEMBER 19, 2021
Welcome to Jesus City Church! Today we discuss the spiritual gifts of HEALING, DISCERNMENT OF SPIRITS AND SPEAKING IN TONGUES! This series called "MADE FOR THIS" is aimed at helping you discover WHY you exist. Helping you identify your spiritual gifts and then giving you opportunity to implement them in church!
MADE FOR THIS: Manifestation Gifts Part 1
SEPTEMBER 12, 2021
Welcome to Jesus City Church! Today we discuss the spiritual gifts of FAITH, WORDS OF KNOWLEDGE AND WISDOM! This series called "MADE FOR THIS" is aimed at helping you discover WHY you exist. Helping you identify your spiritual gifts and then giving you opportunity to implement them in church!
MADE FOR THIS: motivational gifts
AUGUST 29, 2021
Welcome to Jesus City Church! We're excited to be in our MADE FOR THIS series. Studies on the gifts of the spirit. We are in PART 1 of our MOTIVATIONAL gifts. The gifts of EXHORTATION, SERVICE & TEACHING. This series will help you discover and develop the gifts that God has entrusted you with!
MADE FOR THIS: the ministry gifts
AUGUST 22, 2021
Welcome to Jesus City Church! We're glad to have you with us for church today! We are in a sermon series called, "MADE FOR THIS: studies on the gifts of the Spirit". When you DISCOVER and start to DEVELOP your spiritual gifts, you will begin to understand why God put you are here on earth. Today we are starting to look at the "Ministry Gifts" Part 2. The Gifts of PROPHET & SHEPHERD/TEACHER
MADE FOR THIS: the ministry gifts
AUGUST 15, 2021
What are your spiritual gifts? When you DISCOVER and start to DEVELOP your spiritual gifts, you will begin to understand why God put you are here on earth. Today we are starting to look at the "Ministry Gifts" that Jesus gave to the church. The gifts of an Apostle, Prophet, Evangelist, Pastor and Teacher. Also known as the five fold ministry.
Discovering Your Spiritual Gifts
AUGUST 8, 2021
"Why am I here?" "What is the purpose/meaning to my life?" "God, what did You make me for?" Are you able to look into the mirror and answer these questions about your life? We're excited to start a brand new series called MADE FOR THIS! How to know and grow in your spiritual giftings. "The two most important days in your life are the day you are born and the day you find out why."
DNA of Jesus City Church- WEEK 4
AUGUST 1, 2021
Welcome to Jesus City. We are a brand new church in the heart of Montgomery Alabama. To help you learn about us as a church we've started a series called "The DNA of Jesus City" This is WEEK 4 and our focus is on the UNITY of Jesus City Church. "WHERE YOU BELONG"
DNA of Jesus City Church- WEEK 3
July 25, 2021
Welcome to Jesus City. We are a brand new church in the heart of Montgomery Alabama. To help you learn about us as a church we've started a series called "The DNA of Jesus City" This is WEEK 3 and our focus is on the MISSION of Jesus City Church. "WHAT WE’RE DOING"
DNA of Jesus City Church- WEEK 2
July 18, 2021
Welcome to Jesus City. We are a brand new church in the heart of Montgomery Alabama. To help you learn about us as a church we've started a series called "The DNA of Jesus City" This is WEEK 2 and our focus is on the VISION of Jesus City Church. "WHY WE ARE HERE"
DNA of Jesus City Church- WEEK 1
July 11, 2021
Jesus City is a brand new church in Montgomery Alabama. Our desire is to be a church of genuine Christians. Nothing more and nothing less. People who love Jesus and have a vibrant relationship with Him! We are starting a new series called DNA. A series that explains: 1. WHO WE ARE - Our Identity as a Church 2. WHY WERE HERE - Our Vision as a Church 3. WHAT WERE DOING- Our Mission as a Church 4. WHERE TO JOIN THE TEAM- Our Needs as a Church
You've Been Set Free, So Live Like It
July 4, 2021
Today we take a moment to not only think about FREEDOM as American's but what it means to have FREEDOM as Christian's. The Bible tells us that the greatest FREEDOM that one can find in life, is FREEDOM in Christ. Being set FREE from the power of Satan and the penalty of sin. Jesus Christ came to this world to give us REAL FREEDOM! This truth is worth celebrating!
How To Find Streams In The Desert
Just as there are distinct seasons of climate, so there are different seasons of the soul. One of the most dreaded seasons of the soul is the summer "dry" season. Almost without warning, one can go from a growing, exciting and vibrant season to one that is hard, dry and weary. Are you in a difficult season of life? Do you feel worn out, tired, exhausted and ready to give up? Today we examine Psalm 63 to find a survival guide to crossing the desert seasons of life.
WAR: Week 3
“The Christian life is not a playground but a battleground”
We are in our final week of our series called WAR. This series has been focused on giving you warfare strategies for wartime situations. This week is Fathers Day and so we have a special interview with Pastor James Williams. James is the founder of a ministry called C.U.R.E Montgomery. (Center for Urban Renewal and Evangelism). Pastor James offers amazing insights to being a godly father and shares a heartfelt story about the difficulties he experienced with his own Father.
WAR: Week 2
“The Christian life is not a playground but a battleground”
This week we're discussing the importance of preparing for war as good "Christian Soldiers". No one goes into war without first preparing for it; either mentally, physically or strategically. The Christian life is a war that must be prepared for. Every Christian solider must be prepared to endure difficulties and eliminate the directions in their way.
WAR: Week 1
“The Christian life is not a playground but a battleground”
For the next three weeks we will be going through a new series called…WAR: Warfare strategies for wartime situations! Every believer in Christ has been enlisted into an active duty position, as a part of the Lord’s army. Our daily fight is against the three enemies of our soul; the flesh, the world and the devil! In this series we will be studying the biblical strategies to overcoming our enemies!
Memorial Day Interview
Sunday Message 5/30/21
This weekend Jesus City Church we will be taking a moment to reflect on the sacrifice that many men and women have made for the freedom’s we are privileged to enjoy in the United States. In our time of reflection on Memorial Day we will also glance back to the Greatest Servant of all who made the Greatest Sacrifice of all, Jesus Christ! Joining us for a Memorial Day interview is Major Moses K. George of the US Space Force program.
Stop Going To Church & Start Being the Church!
Sunday Message 5/23/21
Sadly somewhere along the way, Christianity became more about “doing church” instead of “being the church”. It’s important to know that early Christians didn’t just “go to church” one day a week but instead they focused on “being the church” everyday of the week. Years ago Christians who dwelt and lived life together were called a church and this was the greatest family one could be a part of.
More Jesus = More Joy //
Sunday Message 5/16/21
There is nothing complicated about it. If the root of your life is in Jesus, the fruit of your life will be joy. With over 167,000 books on Amazon about the topic of “HAPPINESS” it safe to say that EVERY human heart longs to be happy. The only source for lasting joy is found in Jesus. When you make knowing Jesus the aim of your life, you get joy thrown in. Today we examine the life of John the Baptist and discover the secret to his joyful life.
How To Experience The Goodness Of God
Sunday Message 5/9/21
Regardless of what goes on life around us, we can be confident in the fact that God is good and all that He does is good. Though this truth is hard to “see” and “feel” at times, its reality is enough to sustain you from now until eternity. This week Pastor Jason is teaching on Psalm 27 and how to experience the goodness of God in your life.
I FOUND BREAD: Jesus Can Satisfy Your Heart
Sunday Message 5/2/21
Our hearts were made to be satisfied by one thing, God Himself. Jesus Christ offers Himself to the world as the “Bread of Life” and for those who chose to trust in Him, never hunger again. This message from Pastor Jason is all about finding the secret to satisfaction
How To Sing In Your Suffering
Sunday Message 4/25/21
At some point in all of our lives we experience pain, hardship and difficulty. As Christians it’s important that we not only turn to God in those times but that we trust God through those times. This sermon from Pastor Jason is a reminder that your suffering is never for nothing. God has a plan and a purpose, even in your pain.
The Bible Will Change Your Life
Sunday Message 4/18/21
Sadly many people have a Bible but have never read it. That’s like having millions of dollars in your bank account and yet living on the streets begging for food. In this weeks message we’re diving in and discovering HOW THE BIBLE CAN CHANGE YOU, if you allow it to.
How to Bring People To Jesus
Sunday Message 4/11/21
It doesn’t matter who you are, EVERYONE needs Jesus. As a follower of Christ, it should be the desire of your heart to bring as many people to Him as possible! In this message we will learn three tips to being more effective at bringing others to Jesus!!
The Tomb Is Empty So You Dont Have To Be
Easter Sunday Message 4/4/21
The world is longing for the right things but they’re looking for them in the wrong places. Jesus Christ is the only one who can satisfy your heart and save your soul. Watch this special message from Pastor Jason Powell all about the truth behind Easter!